Saturday, May 2, 2009

Our Battlecry

Everyday thousands of people cry out, people who need love, people who need hope, people who need a saviour. The question is, who is going to tell these people that there is a saviour, who brings both love and hope? Who is going to show these people that they can be all they ever dreamed they could be? The answer is, us, all of us.

We are all called by God to touch the lives of the lost, to heal the sick and the broken, to show his unfailing love to all of the world.

This message goes out to all believer's, God has big things planned, but if we don't rise up and follow him, they'll never get accomplished. God is planning a movement that will take the world by storm. For this movement to succeed, he needs believers that are devoted to his cause. So, I beg of you, do not wait, be all God has called you to be NOW!!!
Start pursuing the plans he has for you. Start living the life he's called you to. Take your place in this movement not later, but now!

Do not be mistaken, this is not a blog post, this is our Battlecry!
This is not a blog post, this is the spark that will start a cultural movement, that Satan himself can't stop.
This is not a blog post, this is a revolution!