Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Camp Intermisson

As the title suggests, I'm taking a break from our current series to reflect on camp.

For those who don't know, I had the pleasure of going, for the 2nd year in a row, to the SummerScream camp in Illinois. It was a fun experience (though some would disagree.) Here are some of the highlights from the week.
  • All week we had Pastor Larry Battencourt teach us on our Identity, and he tore it up! If you know anyone who went ask them about the fish and the egg.
  • People gave there lives to Christ and got filled with the Holy Spirit. It's awesome to think about how much they're live are going to change because of these decisions.
  • I prayed for people (and got prayed for) in the Holy Spirit. If you think it's awesome to pray for people normally wait until you do it in tongues!
  • Got to meet and hang out with friends, old and new. Ask me sometime and I might explain to you what Ryan Nuzzo's late night talk show would be like.
  • Ice Cream Twix, heaven in my mouth.
  • Shredding our struggles in a shredder and deciding to rise above them.
  • Celebrating a year fully-devoted to God. Time to go for number 2!
Well that's pretty much it, but before I go, I want to encourage everyone who went to camp to share their favorite moments, the things that changed their lives, and your general thoughts on camp. God wants to do big things in all of your lives, and I'm excited to see where he takes you.

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