Recently my church held their annual Impartation conference, with Doug Jones and Keith Moore coming to speak with us from Saturday-Wednesday. To say it was an awesome experience would be understating it. I had come expecting great things and God gave me that and more!
I've heard some of the awesome things that God did in other people's lives during Impartation, but for me, it wasn't about what God did, it was what he promised. For the past couple months I had been content on living a modest life, not really concerned about being an example of Christ and doing what he's called and more with living life as I saw fit. Content to live life in my own little bubble.
Monday night that bubble was shattered. Monday night was Keith Moore's first night and he got my attention instantly with these words."Don't tell me what you believe, tell me what you've done, then I'll know what you believe."
Immediately I perked up. "He's talking to you..." my mind would tell me, and he was. (Of course he wasn't just talking to me but you get the point.) I then asked myself a very important question...what have I done?
The bible tells us to be doers of the Word. (James 1:22) To not just live our lives for ourselves but for Christ, who gave his life for our redemption. That means doing the work he's called us to do. And up until that night, I hadn't been, he had laid on my heart for a long time to wise up and start being an example for him and for whatever reason, I neglected to do it.
God has given us the promise that if we follow him we will live a life free from the hold of sin, free from death, that nothing can ever hope to hold us back because the God that created the stars is with us! Looking at it now, I don't know what I was so afraid of.
I've come to the conclusion that if we truly want to make a difference in this world, we must be doers, our actions, more than anything, speak the message of Christ. "Tell me what you've done, then I'll know what you believe." Every action we make speaks to who we are. Be a doer, and you won't believe what God does through you!
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